Aggressively fighting for victims of motorcycle accidents

Hawkins Law Firm • January 15, 2015

Oklahoma, motorcyclists are aware that their bikes offer no protection in most accidents. When motorcycle accidents do occur, the motorcyclists often sustain serious injuries or death. Our law firm can help motorcyclists and their families in the aftermath of an accident caused by another driver’s negligence.

A serious motorcycle accident can leave a rider severely injured Riders can also suffer financially from an accident because of expensive medical treatment, rehabilitation and being unable to work. However, if the accident was the result of another person’s negligence, then our skilled lawyers can help victims fight for justice and seek the compensation they truly deserve.

In the aftermath of most motorcycle accidents, a claim must be made against the negligent driver’s insurance company. These companies often attempt to shift the blame to the riders in order to deny their claims. They also attempt to persuade victims to accept early settlements that will be insufficient for the victims’ needs in the long run. Fortunately, our law firm’s namesake worked for such companies early in his career and is aware of their tactics. His insights can help motorcycle accident victims receive what they need.

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