How can Oklahoma’s shopping malls protect shoppers?

Hawkins Law Firm • December 18, 2014

Oklahomans, like many Americans, will pack shopping malls this holiday season as they buy gifts for their loved ones. But shoppers have more company than just other shoppers. Thieves and other criminals take as much advantage of unsuspecting crowds of shoppers as they can. Because shopping malls can face liability if they fail to keep shoppers safe, they must be mindful of safety practices that can help protect shoppers.

Beef up security. As the numbers of shoppers increase, so should the number of mall security personnel who look after shoppers and patrol a mall’s interior and exterior. Mall managers can also add security escorts who look after shoppers as they leave the mall and head to their vehicles, especially at night. Additional help from local police officers may also be available.

Increase the number of eyes and light up the scene. Adding closed-circuit television cameras can help monitor the most problematic areas of the mall, especially parking lots. Additional lighting can also help prevent criminal activity. Criminals avoid well-lit areas because it makes them easier to identify.

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