Injured workers: Oklahoma man suffers burns in oil well explosion

Hawkins Law Firm • February 28, 2017

Working with flammable materials can pose a considerable risk to employees. Even a seemingly minor accident could result in injured workers if a fire breaks out. Fires often cause serious injuries, and workers may be significantly affected if they are victims of a fire-related accident. Unfortunately, one such accident recently took place in Oklahoma. 

Reports stated that a gas company worker had attempted to open a valve on an oil well when the well exploded. The explosion caused the worker to catch on fire, and he stopped, dropped and rolled in efforts to put out the flames. A co-worker used a fire extinguisher to help the man before moving him to a safer area. Emergency crews were able to get the fire stopped a few hours after the initial incident. 

The explosion caused the worker to suffer burns to the lower half of his body. It was noted that the most severe burns were to the lower part of his legs. Luckily, the injuries are not considered life threatening, and he was transported to the hospital for treatment. 

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