Oklahoma lawyers for representing motor vehicle accident victims

Hawkins Law Firm • March 19, 2015

Motor vehicle accidents on Oklahoma roads result in many instances of severe injury to Oklahomans every year. The consequences of some motor vehicle accidents lead to fatalities. All modes of transportation are vulnerable to accidents. In many cases the victims may suffer major fractures or disabilities that compromise the rest of their lives. The attorneys at Hawkins Law Firm have successfully represented victims of motor vehicle accidents for decades.

Motor vehicles vary in size and weight which can greatly affect the severity of injury sustained in an accident. A motorcycle rider or a bicyclist is vulnerable to greater injury in a motor vehicle accident , because collision with a car or truck can result in devastating injury due to lack of protection. A majority of motor vehicle accidents are linked with distracted driving, which can take the form of driving while intoxicated, texting while driving, driving under the influence or even talking on the cell phone while driving.

If a motor vehicle driver is found guilty of any traffic violation which causes an accident, the accident victim may be entitled to compensation from the driver, his or her car insurance company, or in the event of one with a commercial driver, the company that employs the driver.

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