Oklahoma passes bill that bans texting and driving

Hawkins Law Firm • February 27, 2015

Car accidents claim the lives of many people in Oklahoma each year. One of the major causes of car accidents is distracted driving. Distracted driving may be described as a situation where drivers lose their concentration while driving due to any other stimuli. Such distractions may include driving under the influence, drinking while driving or even texting and driving.

Since distracted driving is a major cause of concern for all Oklahoma residents, a new House bill was proposed that would completely ban texting and driving in the state. Representatives have recently filed an amendment to the bill to name it after two state troopers who were struck by a vehicle in January.

As expected, the House passed the bill unanimously. It bans the usage of cell phones for texting or even sending emails by the driver while behind the wheel. Texting and driving has become a national concern because of the number of accidents caused by texting.

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