Winter weather in Tulsa brings with it slip-and-fall accidents

Hawkins Law Firm • January 27, 2016

Winter weather is here in Oklahoma and with it comes the threat of ice and snow. Winter weather not only makes driving more hazardous, but it can even make walking outside more hazardous. One particular hazard Oklahoma residents may face this winter is snow and ice covered sidewalks. One slip-and-fall accident on an icy sidewalk could lead to extensive and costly injuries.

Should you find yourself injured after slipping on an icy sidewalk, you may be interested in learning more about whether the property owner can be held responsible for maintaining safe conditions, including the clearing of ice and snow on the property. In general, a property owner may not be responsible for clearing ice or snow on outdoor premises that is caused by inclement winter weather. That being said, if the reason the property owner’s outdoor premises is icy or snowy is due to an accumulation of such precipitation that is above and beyond what is caused by nature, then the owner of the premises may be responsible should another individual get injured in a slip-and-fall accident.

For example, if a stopped-up gutter causes melting ice or snow from the roof of the premises to run onto the ground below and then freeze over into an icy patch, the owner of the premises may be responsible for that condition. Moreover, if the owner of the premises chooses to shovel the accumulated snow or ice on the property, the owner needs to do so responsibly and with the safety of others who may be on the property in mind, to avoid being negligent.

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