Workplace injuries include repetitive strain injuries

Hawkins Law Firm • February 19, 2016

Residents of Tulsa may associate workplace injuries or illnesses with working with heavy, dangerous machinery; working from heights; working with dangerous chemicals; or in general performing the type of work that puts one’s safety at risk. However, even seemingly mundane work, such as office work or working on an assembly line can cause what is known as a repetitive strain injury.

There are numerous types of injuries that fall under the umbrella term of repetitive strain injury, such as tendinosis, edema and carpal tunnel syndrome. But what they all have in common is that they are associated with work activities that are repetitious, require forceful exertions, involve mechanical compression, expose the worker to vibrations or that require the worker to stay in an unnatural position.

RSIs may present a number of symptoms. For example, the worker’s muscles or joint may feel tender, painful or may be throbbing or tingling. The worker may also experience a loss of strength or sensation in the muscle or joint at issue.

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